1. What is organic food?

Organic food refers to foods that are grown, produced, and processed in strict accordance with USDA agricultural organic law, and certified by international organic certification agencies (such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)}. Including grain, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, Livestock products, honey, aquatic products, seasonings, etc…

2. Standards for organic food

a. It is strictly forbidden to use chemical pesticides and insecticides in the cultivation process of organic food. Chemical pesticides and insecticides are not allowed to be detected in organic food as well.

b. Planting soil and irrigation system are not allowed to detect any heavy metals (such asmercury, god, lead etc)

c. In the growing process, no growth hormone or synthetic substances are allowed to be added.

d. The seeds used in the organic food planting process must be the original seeds that have
not been modified by genetic engineering technology.

 Any food that can meet the above four conditions at the same time can be judged as organic food.

3. Basic conditions for organic farm

a. Soil quality regulations

The soil for growing organic food has not been applied with any chemical pesticides, pesticides, chemical fertilizers or growth hormones for at least three years. Even these prohibited ingredients have not been used for 3-5 years or more. If the prohibited ingredients are detected in the laboratory, the land still does not meet the soil standards for organic agricultural products cultivation until the soil damage test results fully meet the standards. The conditions for planting organic agricultural products are only available by regulations. In other words, organic agriculture certificates only recognize laboratory test results, and do not recognize the conversion period.

For organic food, another condition for soil certification of organic products is that no heavy metals chemicals can be detected in soil. In other words, soils that contain heavy metals in the natural production process or are contaminated by industrial, mining and irrigation water cannot be used to grow organic agricultural products.

b. Irrigation water for organic products

Organic agricultural irrigation water allows the detection of chemical pesticides, insecticides, plant growth hormones and heavy metals that are almost close to drinking water. In other words, rivers and groundwater polluted by chemical pesticides, chemical fertilizers, heavy metals, etc. cannot be used to irrigate organic farmland and crops. Surface water polluted by municipal solid waste and manure cannot be used to irrigate organic products. Snow mountains, glacial meltwater, unpolluted rainwater and groundwater are the most ideal irrigation water for organic agriculture. Irrigation water sources for organic agriculture must be far away from big cities, industrial mining and soil pollution areas.

C. Air control conditions for organic agricultural products.

Organic farms must be far away from airspace polluted by heavy metal dust such as sulfur dioxide, lead, arsenic, mercury, etc., and areas close to industrial and mining enterprises and cities do not meet the soil and air conditions for organic farming.

4. Fertilization requirements for organic agricultural products.

Fertilizers used in the cultivation of organic products are mainly fermented human and animal manure, plant branches and leaves, peat, straw, aquatic plants, fruits etc. The use of chemical fertilizers is absolutely prohibited. Due to the prohibition of the use of chemical fertilizers for organic agricultural products, the output per unit is 30%-50% lower than that of non-organic agricultural products. This is the main reason for the high prices of organic agricultural products.

5. Prevention of pests and diseases of organic agricultural products

During the cultivation of organic agricultural products, the use of chemical pesticides is strictly prohibited, and pesticides of plant or mineral origin are allowed; physical hunting, biological and ecological control are taken into consideration. Such methods as UV trapping, natural enemy hunting, and pastoral cleanup and incineration are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and require a lot of financial and manpower. This is one of the reasons why the cost of organic agricultural products remains high.

6. Why choose organic agricultural products The biggest difference

between organic agricultural products and non-organic agricultural products is:

a .Organic agricultural products do not contain any chemical pesticides, plant growth hormones, chemical fertilizers and heavy metals.

b. During the production, processing and transportation of organic agricultural products, the use of sulfur, sulfite and nitrite for fumigation is prohibited.

c. The detection of aflatoxin in organic food is absolutely prohibited, and non-organic food contains more or less chemical pesticides, plant growth hormones, fertilizers, sulfites and aflatoxins. Foods containing the above harmful substances will cause great harm to human health…

7. The harm of chemical pesticides, plant growth hormones, heavy metals and aflatoxins to human health

a.Chemical pesticides include insecticides, which are inherently cytotoxic and also have clear toxicity to human cells. It can kill the cells of plant diseases and insect pests, as well as the healthy cells of the human body.

Among the more than 1,500 registered chemical pesticides in the world, at least 900 pesticides have definite carcinogenic effects.When the accumulation of chemical pesticides in the human body reaches a certain concentration, it can induce canceration of human tissue cells.

        In the manufacturing process of chemical pesticides, a reaction catalyst called dioxin is used. After the pesticide production is completed, a certain amount of dioxins will remain in the pesticide. Dioxin is a strong carcinogenic and time-causing chemical. Even though some pesticides are not very toxic, the residual dioxins in the pesticides are enough to cause death. The main reason for the high mortality and incidence of cancer in modern people is due to the large amount of chemical pesticides in the daily food.

b. Plant growth hormones endanger human health mainly by disrupting cell mitosis, changing cell morphology (enlargement), and shortening cell lifespan… When a large number of cells in the human body are deformed under the influence of plant hormones, and their lifespan is shortened, human health will be deformed simultaneously. Also shortened simultaneously…

c. The toxicity of heavy metals cannot be underestimated.

Heavy metals can cause great harm to human health. After the heavy metals contained in non-organic food enter the human body, they bind to proteins and vital enzymes in the human body, resulting in denaturation and inactivation of proteins and enzymes. Common heavy metals are extremely destructive to fetal brain cells, causing fetal mental retardation, teratogenicity, and carcinogenesis; lead and mercury sink into the liver after ingestion, mainly damage liver tissue and brain cells, and have great destructive power to vision; Oxidized into arsenic trioxide, this cream is highly toxic; chromium is poisonous to motor neurons, causing dyskinesia of limbs, or to brain cells, leading to mental disorders; cadmium can cause high blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, destroying bone structure, Induces renal failure; manganese causes abnormal thyroid function.

d. Aflatoxin is a toxin produced when food, vegetables, fruits and other foods become moldy. Its toxicity is 68 times stronger than that of base cream. It is a super toxic substance and can be fatal when ingested in a small amount.

8. The harm of sulfite and nitrite to the human body.

A tiny amount of sulfite is allowed to be used in non-organic food , and the use of nitrite is strictly prohibited. Sulfite has a carcinogenic effect, and nitrite has a strong carcinogenic effect. Pickles and bacon often contain high levels of nitrite. It is recommended to eat less. In order to save costs, many food manufacturers often use industrial sulfur to fumigate food and Chinese medicinal materials. Industrial sulfur contains a large amount of elemental spirits, which will oxidize to arsenic trioxide (arsenic) after being ignited. It is a highly toxic substance, and a small amount can cause shock and even death.

If long-term consumption of food contains arsenic trioxide, when the equivalent accumulation reaches a certain level, it is bound to cause great harm to human health and life.